and mischievous, sweet yet stubborn, Norns are the result of a Shee experiment
in genetic engineering. Norns are actually artificial life creatures,
with a genetically-specified brain, biochemistry and digital DNA that
is passed down through generations. Creatures 3 gives you an endless supply
of Norn eggs so you can raise, teach and breed your own Norns.
Norns posses rudimentary language skills and can communicate with you
and with each other. Once you've taught them the meanings of words, you
can ask them what they're doing, how they are feeling and what they're
thinking. You are then able to explore their world with them and make
it safe for future generations. You can also experiment with genetic engineering
yourself. The Norn genetics can be manipulated to create different breeds
with their own personalities. You'll find a host of information about
genetically-engineering creatures on the Creatures
Community website and also in the Creatures
Development Network.