Shee gathered up all the Norns and Ettins they could find, along with
a selection of plants and animals from the planet, and huddled them aboard
a spaceship genetically engineered especially for the journey. Forgetting
earlier lessons, the Shee neglected to check behind the furniture for
leftover creature eggs and accidentally abandoned a number of creatures
on Albia's surface.
Back in space, the Shee neared their destination sphere and were surprised
to find that Grendels had stowed away on the ship and again began to display
typically embarrassing behaviour, terrorising the Norns and Ettins, breaking
machinery and generally behaving like ruffians. The Shee gathered together
some biscuits and a few clean socks and made tracks for the planet below,
again forgetting a goodly number of creature eggs and leaving all their
laboratory equipment on the ship.