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Creatures 2

Glow Norns


Some time ago there appeared a first version of the Glow Norns for Creatures 2 on the web, made by Mor. Appearantly, only one age stage existed. They disappeared soon from the web and couldn't be retrieved, however hard a dedicated Creatures fan named NornenMeister tried!


So under the action "Pimp my Breed" I created this second version, taking over the idea of a glowing like outline of the body sprites the first version showed.
This breed is complete with all life stages and comes with a little extra, if you like. There is a version where the body starts growing wings from the stage "child" on! Simply exchange the sprites and body data in the "Images" and "Body Data" folder with the ones coming with the special extra .zip folder.

The sprites occupy Slot S und the genome is a modified Golden Desert genome.

This second version is dedicated to the dedicated Creatures 2 fan NornenMeister and is therefore a present to him! So please, don't use the sprite and body data for other breeds. A present is something personal and should be respected!


Download the files, put the .att files in the folder "Body Data", the ".s16" files in the folder "Images". Copy the .gen and .gno files in the folder Genetics and then import the two starter norns.

Please note: the extra .zip File containes the sprites and body data for the wings. Just put the files in the right folder (as described above) and confirm that you want to overwrite the existing files in those folders. And then your Glow norns will start growing wings. ;-)

Download Glow Norns V2 Sprites

Download Glow Norns Body Data

Download Glow Norns Extras




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Winged Golden Deserts
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