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Creatures 2

Cat Norns


The first version of the Cat Norns was made by Mman, at that time on Slot Norn P. Mummy converted the sprites to Slot Norn Q, but unfortunately, the Pumuckl Norns occupy the same slot now. The Cat Norns in original form can be still downloaded at Mummy's Creatures .

Unfortunately, the original Cat Norns consisted only of sprites for the baby life stage. I liked the contrast in the colouring of the female norns, but the colour combination pink and violet I didn't find so suitable for a cat. So I copied the idea, but gave the female norn more "natural" cat-like colours. Of course, sprites had to be created for all life stages and a more cat-like tail needed to be added. The original sprites for the male Cat Norn I never really liked, so therefore I created a completely new idea with some tiger stripes for a tiger tomcat! Thanks to Tafgana for her suggestions and drafts and thanks also go to Mummy for beta testing!

Installation is easy: just download the file and double click on it. Sprites occupy Slot Ettin U.

Download Cat Norns



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